AJ Daulerio from Deadspin is finally back on the show. Daulerio is the one who said the song we use on the show sounds like we’ve just stepped into a Jewish deli, so it’s funny how his shows always have that vibe to them. This is no different...just three guys kibitzing and having a nosh, so to speak.
We start with a little Karma. Did AJ lose his phone because he made Colin Cowherd get a new one? And what of this late-breaking Favre news? Is this guy really coming back again?
We quickly shift to the A-Rod story. Do we have to read
Selena Roberts’ book? And is it fair for media people to give their opinions on the quality (and veracity) of the writing in her book based on selected excerpts and leaked passages? Would it be journalistically irresponsible to discuss the book without having read it in its entirety? And with the fast pace of today’s news cycle, has the long-lead excerpt gone by the wayside when promoting a book? Already the publisher had to hastily move the release date up two times and people still question the timing of the book when, according to at least one reviewer on , “to pick this book up and read is a waste of time. It's months late and only targets ruining A-Rods image which he already admitted 2 months ago is ruined.”
People have already forgotten that Roberts was the one who broke the original story. And this is her book about that story...and more. But it’s the ‘and more’ that people have issue with. And in fact, Daulerio agrees with his nemesis Jason Whitlock on much of his sentiments. Are they both batshit crazy, or do they have a point?
How much should Roberts opinion -- and writing in the New York Times -- of the Duke Lacrosse case skew our opinion of this book on Alex Rodriguez? Whitlock questions her integrity as a writer and reporter by saying that since she her read of the situation was so wrong before, we shouldn’t just blindly trust her read now. He goes on to say we should question a reporter that was so wrong before, without apologizing in the same public space (NYT) when she wants us to trust her anonymous sources now. But are those two instances fair to correlate? Daulerio explains why they just might be.
Speaking of Whitlock,
why does he hate Leitch and Daulerio so much? So much. Daulerio thinks that Whitlock sees the power of Deadspin and thinks it largely goes unchecked. Consider him the checker (Note: I could have gone ‘chubby’ checker there, but decided not to because 1. I don’t want Whitlock to hate me and 2. chubby doesn’t begin to describe him).
We joke that Whitlock may hate Deadspin because of the old Facebook status post they made on the site (
Whitlock really needed to poop that day). And speaking of Facebook, we spin social media to talk Twitter. for people who could name the airline and flight number he recently was on. Isn’t there some sort of national security breach involved with that? And more seriously, have athletes become a little too fan friendly on Twitter?
Bill Simmons wrote a piece about
cutting out the media and how players are able to interact directly with the fans. We ask Daulerio if that trend is a smart thing for players, as they’ll only give out information they want us to know. What they don’t want us to know...well that information is all that’s left for the media to uncover. By cutting out the media, you’ve made their whole job predicated on finding information you don’t want people to know. Enter: Deadspin. That’s basically what the site does -- it tap dances on the line of salaciousness by daily practice -- so does this forwarding trend concern Daulerio? Will more media outlets be forced to become Deadspin-esque, and how will he plan to say ahead of the curve?
Speaking of Bill Simmons...we buried the lede.
Did Daulerio lose his phone during a night of drunkenness with Bill Simmons? And how has this story not been told on the pages of Deadspin?
Bill Simmons may have conspired with ESPN to steal Daulerio’s phone in retribution for Colin Cowherd and this is the first we’re hearing of it? Color me exclusive! And what happened that night with Simmons (and Leitch and
Chris Connelly and an unnamed ESPN person as well)? How drunk was AJ? And who did he accuse of killing TuPac?
Leitch wrote his
10 People column this week and in that he had Pasta Dude, the freaky spokesman for Dominos pasta bowls. In that ad, I swear the voiceover work was done by Jullianna Margulies. Many celebrities pad their bank accounts with voiceover work. Very famous celebrities too. So who would AJ want to do the voiceover for the commercial of his life? And who is Dean Cameron?
Seriously, who is Dean Cameron? Nick and I also share our picks.
Last, and speaking of tap dancing, we talk with Daulerio about the near future at Deadspin. Rick Chandler left the site last week after being there since it went live several moons ago. So who does AJ have to replace him? And does this mean more writing for AJ or has that just been a stopgap until the post is filled? What is the future of Deadspin?
Thanks for hanging out with us. The pastrami is delicious.
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