Phil Catelinet is a longtime listener to the show and now, news media veteran.

He was on the JetBlue flight from Pittsburgh to New York where the flight attendant went nutso. Phil tweeted about the incident, and the flight attendant talking about things on the Air Train back to the train/parking areas. It ended up turning into a media whirlwind that included interviews with the local newspapers, local TV and even a run of interviews on Today, CBS Early Show, CNN and Fox News, to name a few.


We talk about the experience — and how until last night he seemed to be the only person on the plane who had talked on the record — and he takes us through an unbelievable chain of behind-the-scenes media events that give a great look into the world of TV “journalism.” This story includes everything from reporters staking out his apartment to networks asking for exclusivity to producers calling his mother in Pittsburgh and father in DC to try and get them to convince him to come on and talk about the situation.

Keep in mind, Phil didn’t actually see anything. He heard the intercom and was in the train when the attendant re-told the story. He had the presence of mind to tweet things out, but was not (a) the attendant or (b) the passenger in the fight with said attendant. Yet, for one day (and presumably more until he cut it off) he was the most wanted guest in TV news.

Think about it…if the reporters could find Phil’s PARENTS, why couldn’t they find anyone else on the plane to talk? Again, this is a really interesting look into the rat race world of TV news.


Nick and I compare Phil’s “fame” to Antoine Dodson before arguing about sports matters. People seem to like when we argue, so…you’re welcome.

Tags: Jet Blue, K-Rod, , Phil Catelinet