On the DL, brought to you by…the afternoon!
Due to the time of day, this will be brief. I do hope that the short write-up isn’t any indication on what I think about the quality of this episode. If you have the time, please listen and it will hopefully be worth your time.
, including the notion of going from being a full-time online writer to, well, looking for work. We find an interesting parallel to that of Joe Morgan (a lot more on his departure from ESPN too) in that there are only so many jobs out there for people. If you lose the one you have, and all the others are full, how do you get one?
Well, the answer is by being good enough for someone to make room for you. Will anyone do that for Morgan? We don’t really expect that to happen, at least not right now and not on a national stage. But what about the writers (or interviewers) that are looking for a next step? This conversation is oddly personal, but touches on an issue that thousands of writers and bloggers face every day. For full disclosure, we do straddle the line between on and off the record, specifically regarding some conversations we’ve had with friends associated with SB Nation and Yardbarker. Names were redacted to protect the innocent…or in this case, underpaid.
We spin that to more about Morgan and what ESPN could do to replace him — Keith Law in the booth, perhaps?
Then we spend a good amount of time looking at the concussion issue in the NFL. Does the league have a PR problem more than an actual injury epidemic? Are the referees handling the new rules the right way? And could all the technology we’ve put into protecting the players actually be causing more catastrophic injuries because it’s making the players feel indestructible?
Thanks to Will, as always. Thanks to you as well.